Tuesday, April 14, 2009


It was snowing and the flowers froze.

The Easter Bunny got a cold feet, so we had a 6 eggs omelette with bacon and fresh squeezed orange juice from Valencia Oranges produced on the Padula's San Diego Estate.
The grand, logger's breakfast was followed by oak hunting in the forest.
The boys did their usual Sabbath activities and I did mine.
Mark did the wood cutting and stacking, Buck and Spitz did the sniffing up the forest and of course I had my cooking show.
Someone has to work!?

Easter Monday! Yes, we always had that when I grew up. It was just another day to squander away with parties. The men would spend the day pouring cologne on the women's heads, thus the women stunk too much to go to work that day.
We don't have Easter Monday in the USSA yet, so we need not to worry about the smelly colognes.

That's the News From Lake Wobegon.

1 comment:

Bryce D. said...

Hmm, I don't know if I like the sound of that cologne ritual. I like my wife fine the way she smells. =)