Wednesday, July 29, 2015

The Park

I built the walkway last year. Lined with weed cloth,
5 tons of gravel and a bunch of stones to border.
Kept me busy for a bit...

Louise in the center is looking out for the park.
Started the side walkways, have the Mariposite outcrop and planted 72 baby Salvias.

Lulu, named after Bea's two most loved women:
Louise Brooks and Louis Veronica Chiccone.

Lulu and Bea

Another sitting area where we never sit :)

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The rose garden, loved by rabbits and squirrels.
I only sit for the picture.

Mark takes 2 seconds to sit

I have the arbor assembled ready for this entrance way 

My Lulu

Rain is the perfect time to dig up the lavender bed

Flooding the park

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My boots are muddy inside and out.

Soaked to the bones digging up the site

come on rain!!!! Love the soaking and
YES....I am dancing in the rain with my headphones on.

Bed is ready, dug up, fertilized and filled back....lavenders are lining up for planting

Lavenders on the front

72 Salvias, 85 Lavenders, 30 Daisies and god knows what else are all in the ground.

Baby Lavenders are happy

Woodland in the backyard

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Woodland and puppy yard

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Puppy lawn

Rock creek and men kitchen.

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Park building is a lot of work and it spends a lot of money. Builds muscles and makes the body ache.
My Landscape Architect lady, Anne Attinger is a genius and her plan is perfect for my taste :) and perfect for our ranch.